Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Allotment progress

We've been making slow but steady progress with our organic allotment.  The battle with the perennial weeds, rye grass and the weather has made it a bit more challenging but a few weeks ago we finally cleared the entire plot and have been anxiously waiting to get some crops in. Yesterday we received our potatoes which have been lovingly chitted in Perthshire and we finally planted them in the ground!  Typically, just as we finished planting, the dark clouds over us relieved themselves of their hail stones and we got pelted! Don't you just love Edinburgh weather!?

Drum roll as the first one goes in!

Our first earlies are Sharpes Express, a heritage potato dating back to 1901.  This should be a good all-rounder and we expect to have some from around June.

Our second early crop will be Charlotte potatoes, which should be ready to serve up in some delicious summer salads.

Potato #1 in all it's glory!
We'll be planting more vegetables in the next few weeks so do come back to see how we're getting on!

Justine, proud of her first planting!

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